Sony WF-XB700 Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headphones Review: Discover the Pros and Cons

The Sony WF-XB700 was released in April 2020 as an addition to Sony’s Extra Bass series earbuds. Sony is quite prolific in headphones and earbuds making putting into consideration as many features and budgets as possible. These pairs of earbuds are great for bass lovers as the ‘XB’ before the name means extra bass. These earbuds are a better option for workouts than they are for everyday use.


The WF-XB700 is crafted to look sleek and sporty in a rounded bean-like shape. Like every other earbud, the WF-XB700 has 3 major parts; the ear canal tips, the middle part that houses the drivers, and the outer part that houses the battery. Each earbud weighs 8g which makes it comfortable to wear for an extended period of time and Sony has included a number of ear-tips inside the box giving you the option of picking one that gives you a perfect fit.

It does not have a touch-sensitive control but has a small button on each earbud that is used for controls. The button on the left earbud can be used to reduce or increase the volume and the button on the right earbud is used to pause/play or skip to the next track. These buttons can also be used to activate voice assistants and receive or end calls.

Although it is the cheapest model amongst Sony’s truly wireless earbuds, it’s still packed with a lot of features. The charging case has a cheap plastic feel compared to that of earbuds like AirPod Pro and the Sony WF-1000XM3 but then, when we put the price into consideration, we realise it is understandable.

It is fairly slim with a translucent cover which allows you to see the charging status of the earbuds on the case. It comes with a USB-C charging cable which gives your earbuds an extra 9 hours of battery life. It can either be plugged into an adapter or on your computer.


The Sony WF-XB700 wireless headphone is a part of Sony’s extra bass series with great sound quality. The first thing you will notice when using this earbud is the punchy bass and with no noise cancellation feature, it is a great earbud for bass lovers.

Sometimes, apps like Netflix and YouTube come across quieter than when music is playing and having an EQ to regulate this based on the content you are listening to would have been a nice option. These earbuds have IPX4 sweat and are water-resistant which means you can use them conveniently during workouts at the gym or simply going for a run. It also has a Bluetooth 5.0 connection which is tested to be stable and reliable even when you leave your phone in one room and go to the next (about 240m).

Considering the price of the XB700, you shouldn’t expect noise cancellation or a top processing chip like the WF-1000XM3.

Battery life

Battery life in wireless earbuds are getting better by the day and Sony claims that the WF-XB700 will give you 9 hours of playbacks on a single charge with extra 9 hours of charge from the charging case but when its constant output is 75dBs, it lasted for only 6 hours and 22 minutes. This is enough to take you on long trips and workouts.

If you are the kind of person that leaves your earbuds on for extended periods of time, you might want to consider other options with longer-lasting batteries like the Powerbeats Pro. The Sony WF-XB700 charging case only provides you with one extra charge and a USB-C charging cable. Ten minutes of quick charge provides you with an hour of playback.


  • It has a solid build.
  • It offers a solid extra bass sound quality.
  • Good battery life.
  • It offers a quick charge option.
  • It has reliable Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Ergonomic tri-hold design with a secure fit.
  • It has a built-in microphone.
  • IPX4 water resistance feature.


  • Brand: Sony
  • Model Number: WF-XB700
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth 5.0
  • Driver: 12mm
  • Weight: 8g each, 46g(case)
  • Battery life: 9 hours
  • Water resistance: IPX4 rating
  • Ear-tips: 4x
  • Colour: Black, Blue


  1. It offers a comfortable fit.
  2. Gives you a punchy bass.
  3. IPX4 sweat resistance rating.


  1. It has no aptX support.
  2. It doesn’t feature noise cancellation.
  3. Average battery life.
  4. It has a large design.

Buying guide

The WF-XB700 aren’t the best of Sony’s headphone selection but they offer enough features to keep them glued to your ears. They keep you entertained with their punchy sound and lightweight build.

It’s quite easy to focus on the faults of this earbud like the design and the absence of noise cancellation but they are quite good and sold at an affordable price with decent battery life.

How much is the Sony WF-XB700 Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headphone

When it comes to pricing, the Sony WF-XB700 happens to be one of the cheapest true wireless design earbuds you can get from Sony with no noise cancellation. It is sold at $69 which is a lot cheaper than the WF-1000XM3 even though the latter has noise cancellation.

Is the Sony WF-XB700 Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headphone Worth buying?

The WF-XB700 is a great choice of earbuds if you are an athlete or you just want to get a pair of earbuds. It isn’t really a great choice for everyday constant use as it doesn’t have noise cancellation and has no aptX support. But it is affordable and fits comfortably in the ear. If you are looking for a pair of workout earbuds, the WF-XB700 is a good choice.


The Sony WF-XB700 offers a lot. It has a fun and energetic sound quality stays comfortable even after a long listening time and has an 18-hour battery life together with the charging case. The radar-disc shape is something of dislike as well as the fact that it doesn’t have noise cancellation but they are undoubtedly one of Sony’s second-best true wireless earbuds.

FAQ – Sony WF-XB700 Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

Q: Can I connect this wireless earbud to multiple devices at a time?

A: No you cannot.

Q: Does Sony WF-XB700 have noise Cancelling?

A: No it doesn’t.

Q: Can I shower with WF-XB700?

A: The Sony WF-XB700 earbuds are not suitable for humid weather or shows.

Q: How many times can I charge my Sony WF-XB700?

A: You can recharge this earbud as many times as you need to.

Author Profile

  • Zeeshan Yousaf is the founder of the Tech Guru Guy blog. He writes articles about the latest technology gadgets such as laptops, smartphones, home security, tablet devices, headphones, and much more. He has been at the forefront of technology for the past 10 years, working diligently to create quality content for his audience. He is addicted to reading books and watching movies, but not as much as he loves posting content on his blog. He also enjoys playing cricket and table tennis. You can always contact Zeeshan via Tech Guru Guy's contact page.

Zeeshan Yousaf

Zeeshan Yousaf is the founder of the Tech Guru Guy blog. He writes articles about the latest technology gadgets such as laptops, smartphones, home security, tablet devices, headphones, and much more. He has been at the forefront of technology for the past 10 years, working diligently to create quality content for his audience. He is addicted to reading books and watching movies, but not as much as he loves posting content on his blog. He also enjoys playing cricket and table tennis. You can always contact Zeeshan via Tech Guru Guy's contact page.

Published by
Zeeshan Yousaf
Tags: Headphones

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