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Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock Review: Discover the Pros and Cons

The Yale Keyless Connected Smart Door Lock is an intelligent, battery powered touchscreen home access control lock that gives you the liberty to lock and unlock your door without needing a key. In this Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock Review, you will discover all you need to know about this top range keyless smart lock for your doors.

This keyless lock is designed to give users standard keyless convenience like the ability to unlock the door with your smartphone, key cards or stickers and set user codes. This smart home device can be operated with remote access by users with the use of the Yale Home app when connected to the Yale Smart Hub.

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Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock Review
Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock Review

It is easy to install and comes with all the instructions and drilling template you need for installation. It is a great substitute for the traditional night latch and all you need to do is to just hand out a temporary access code to guests that you can easily delete whenever you decide to.

Yale keyless smart lock provides a lifetime warranty that covers the mechanical parts and exterior finish of the lock and has ANSI/BHMA security rating for all the security concerns you might have. In a nut shell, the Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock is a touchscreen battery operated security device with great functionality.

Are Yale smart locks any good?

Yale smart locks are one of the most reliable smart locks in the home security industry. The company has been in the industry for quite a while, and they are arguably one of the best for your home security needs.

Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock Design

The Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock is a touchscreen security lock designed to attach to an existing night latch, replacing the key hole on the outside with the

stylish Smart Lock design. This lock is made for 40mm-60mm inward opening doors and has a battery compartment fixed on the inside of the door that is connected to the smart lock on the outer frame.

Installation of the Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock is quite straight forward if you follow the template and instructions that came with the box. Inside your home, you still have your contemporary nightlatch so getting out is no different from before. It also has a deadbolt lock allowing you to deadlock the door on the inside if you want to restrict access to your house. The only addition to your door on the inside is the battery pack that screws into place, both into your door and into the smart lock through the hole that was drilled during installation.


The Yale Keyless Lock has a relatively plain touch screen display that shows only numbers. It comes on with a finger or palm touch on the screen and reveals its responsive backlit keypad. Since the keypad displays only numbers, you’ll need the manual in front of you to follow the instructions during installation.

Fortunately, the manual is straight forward and easy to understand so making changes would be easy. Also, there is a speaker on the inside of the lock that guides you on the setup after installation. The Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock when newly installed requires you to change the master code which is 123456 to a more secure code.

You can also reset the lock back to its factory setting if you feel like too many people have access to your house by removing the cover of the battery compartment, take out the batteries to cut out the power to the lock, then press and hold the button labelled ‘R’ until you insert the battery back and keep pressing for another 10 seconds or until you hear the beeps.

Note that once this is done, you have lost all the registered pin codes and tags. This smart device has a programmable timer set that automatically locks the door after the stipulated time.

Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock Display

Performance and Battery life

The Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock offers great performance and a battery life that can last up to 10,000 pin code inputs. It uses 4x AA batteries inserted in the battery compartment on the inside of the door and if the battery runs out while you are outside, you can use a 9-Volt battery to the external port beneath the smart lock to power the smart lock and unlock your door.

The Yale smart lock can be connected to your phone through the Yale Home app and with it, you can unlock your door by tilting your phone at an angle, check whether your house is locked or not and also keep track of the time your door was unlocked and locked by a third party. If the power cable is disconnected or tampered with by use of brute-force to gain access into your home, a tamper alarm is set off which is loud enough to startle a burglar or at least draw attention from people around of intruders.


  1. The Yale smart lock works with pin features.
  2. Touchscreen keypad with backlit numbers.
  3. It allows you to set up to 20 unique user codes.
  4. It works with RFID key cards so you can decide not to use pins.
  5. It has an auto-lock feature.
  6. It has low energy consumption and a low battery indicator.
  7. Emergency external 9V battery connection in case your battery runs out.
  8. In a situation where an incorrect pin code is imputed 5 times, it goes on a 3 minute lockout.
  9. Built-in tamper alarm system.
  10. You can check if your door is locked or unlocked from your mobile phone.
  11. It can be upgraded.
  12. It offers remote access.


  • Manufacturer:        Yale
  • Weight:                  1.73pounds
  • Dimensions:           3.15 x 2.56 x 5.91 inches
  • Battery:                  4x AA
  • Color:                     Polished Brass, Satin Nickel, Chrome
  • Price:                      109.99 euros


  1. You don’t need to carry a key around or worry about losing it.
  2. It has a strong build.
  3. A one-day pin option is available for temporary users.
  4. You get to set up to 20 unique codes.
  5. It can be unlocked with a mobile app on your phone.
  6. You can quickly restrict access without having to replace any locks.
  7. It connects to existing night latch.
  8. It can be deadlocked from inside.


  1. The Yale smart lock allows users to operate the lock using a Smart Home app on their smartphone which can be hacked.
  2. No number randomizer for pin security.
  3. Upgrade or remote control keys cost more money.

Available series

Below is a list of some of Yale Keyless Door Lock available series;

  • Yale Assure Lock SL,
  • Nest x Yale,
  • Yale Conexis L1.
Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock Buying guide

Buying guide

Buying a Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock is an excellent key-free smart lock when we look at the overall specifications and the fact that you get to go out without bothering about losing your key because it’s in your head or on your phone.

The Yale Keyless Smart Lock have other series some of which has been mentioned above, they are all very good with the major difference being in their prices. Here’s a list of things to expect in the box when purchasing the Yale Keyless Connected

Smart Lock; Keyless connected smart touchpad, Battery compartment, RFID key card, 4 AA batteries, and a comprehensive user guide.

Is it worth buying?

Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock is a good buy and a better way to secure your house without the weight or thought of a key weighing you down. You can unlock your door in several ways like the use of a set pin code, keycards, mobile phone app or remotely and comes at a reasonable price considering all the features it’s packed with.

In conclusion

This smart lock is mainly for people who are tired of the traditional lock and want to get something modern and with great security features. The smart lock is mainly for inward opening wooden doors and won’t serve a good purpose on glass doors as it can be broken and opened from inside. Also, you might want to keep a 9V battery somewhere you can easily access should your battery run down.

Author Profile

  • Zeeshan Yousaf

    Zeeshan Yousaf is the founder of the Tech Guru Guy blog. He writes articles about the latest technology gadgets such as laptops, smartphones, home security, tablet devices, headphones, and much more. He has been at the forefront of technology for the past 10 years, working diligently to create quality content for his audience. He is addicted to reading books and watching movies, but not as much as he loves posting content on his blog. He also enjoys playing cricket and table tennis. You can always contact Zeeshan via Tech Guru Guy's contact page.

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Zeeshan Yousaf

Zeeshan Yousaf is the founder of the Tech Guru Guy blog. He writes articles about the latest technology gadgets such as laptops, smartphones, home security, tablet devices, headphones, and much more. He has been at the forefront of technology for the past 10 years, working diligently to create quality content for his audience. He is addicted to reading books and watching movies, but not as much as he loves posting content on his blog. He also enjoys playing cricket and table tennis. You can always contact Zeeshan via Tech Guru Guy's contact page.

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